ID # 16794043

Elmers Transfer Track

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Available for most Grain Carts, Liquid Fertilizer Caddies, Air Carts.

Barring the equipment uses a standard 10 bolt ag-hub and has appropriate clearance.

Why is the Transfer Track So Great?

Elmers Transfer Track allows you to easily adapt your existing equipment to increase floatation and reduce compaction. Put them on your Air Seeder or Liquid Fertilizer in Spring and your Grain Cart in Fall. Reducing compaction and resistance can lead to a better seed bed, yields and fuel savings.

Grain Cart Field 3X More Floatation

Compared to 900/60R32 Hi Floatation Wheels, Elmers Transfer Tracks offer 3 times more floatation, reducing compaction problems.

Grain Cart FieldUnique Design

With Hydraulic Tensioning to maintain alignment and Pivoting Mid Rollers to help distribute weight on uneven terrain the Transfer Track will give you the smoothest ride.

Grain Cart Field Transferability

Use it on your air cart in spring and your grain cart during harvest. The Transfer Track can be transferred in 30 minutes with basic tools and a fork lift.

More Floatation, Reduce Compaction

Using the Transfer Tracks on your fields can increase yields by up to 5%*. It can improve soil penetration, create a more uniform seed depth placement, improve water infiltration and help develop a healthier root system. All these factors together can create a stronger and healthier plant with better yields. *Based on Camso Research

Ground Pressure Reduction
Less Soil Compaction


Save On Your Next Equipment Purchase

Keep Elmer’s TransferTracks in mind when you purchase your next equipment and you can save! By not ordering tires with your equipment and ordering TransferTracks you can save up to $60,000. Also, if you’re quoting your equipment with OEM Tracks, TransferTracks will often come in at a better pricing than OEM options.

Get Year-Round Use

Compared to most OEM Track options, you can use your TransferTracks year-round! The demand for tracks on equipment is growing and instead of having to pay higher OEM pricing on each of your different equipment, you can purchase TransferTracks once and get double the value by using it on equipment year-round.

Save Fuel By Lowering Resistance

Our Transfer Tracks have shown to reduce fuel consumption by 11-15% as it reduces the pulling resistance on your cart. The better the air seeder, grain cart or fertilizer caddy floats, the less work the tractor has to do to pull.

Is My Equipment Compatible?

TT ClearanceDiagramFull

Adapt Your Existing Equipment

Elmers Transfer Track allows you to easily adapt your existing equipment to reap the benefit of having tracks over wheels. Maximize the use of the Tracks by using it for planting in spring and then transfer it to your Elmers Grain Cart in Fall for Harvest. See below for some of the set ups that our customers have done.

Auto Torque Limiting Clutch

The auto torque limiting clutch eliminates the need to replace shear pins during processing.

High Floatation Tires

The high floatation tires reduces rutting and compaction while you’re processing.

Adjustable Aggression Bars

The adjustable aggression bars give the flexibility on how quickly you want to bale to be processed.

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